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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Cerbere - A short visit to France

After visiting Dali in Figueres we decided to make a slight detour and head onto foreign soil across the Pyrenees into a small town called Cerbere in France. Cerbere is only a small place and is literally located just the other side of the Pyrenees from Spain. It is situated on the coast and has some amazing views out over the Mediterranean Sea.

The amazing views from the coast of Cerbere
Me admiring the view over Cerbere
When we arrived it was the evening and we went looking for the campsite we had seen on google maps. Unfortunately google maps must have been wrong because there was definitely not a campsite where it said there was. So that meant I had to use my very bad French to ask a local lady where I could find a campsite. She gave me directions (in French) to one just a few kilometres away around the coast.

We followed the coast as we went in search of the campsite and met a nice French guy along the way who was holidaying in Cerbere and he told us that we could use the campsite for free as the reception was not open. So we headed on over to the campsite and set up and had two nights for free - and we had working toilets and even hot showers!

The really nice thing about camping where we did was the views. You were woken up in the morning by a lovely sunrise happening literally just outside the tent overlooking the sea, it was great.

The lovely view from the tent
Cerbere was nice to have a wander around and relax for a day, they had a nice looking marina and lots of great views from the cliffs along the coast. As well as the lovely views, free camping and relaxing walk around town, whilst in France we thought we had better eat how the French do, so we treated ourselves to some "proper" French croissants (definitely better than the shop bought ones).

The view over the marina with the cliffs covered in clouds (very ominous)
Carmen with our "proper" French croissants

Cerbere is only a very small town, so there is not many things to do or see, plus it did not have much of a beach and was quite windy, so we decided to head back into Spain (smuggling ourselves across the border without paying for the train) to kill a bit of time before our flight to Portugal. We decided to spend a few days at the beach in a place called Lloret de Mar, where we found a nice beach to crash out on as you will be able to see below.

Carmen overlooking the beautiful bay
Me crashed out on the beach

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